논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-06 청소년의 또래집단 규범이 비윤리적 행동 중단의도, 인공지능 챗봇에 대한 친밀감과 상호작용 만족도에 미치는 영향 : 메시지 프레임의 조절효과 Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies
2023-11 방송영상 촬영감독의 자기효능감이 직무성과에 미치는 영향: 영상콘텐츠 제작 창의성과 직무만족의 매개효과 사회과학논집
2023-04 인공지능 맞춤화가 챗봇 이용자의 욕설 사용 중단의도와 챗봇 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향 : 심리적 반발의 매개효과 Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies
2022-07 스마트폰 디바이드의 영향 요인과 결과: 이용자의 개인적 특성과 스마트폰에 대한 태도의 역할 방송통신연구
2021-10 사회성 능력이 인공지능 챗봇의 사회적 사용과 자기노출에 미치는 영향: 사용자의 외로움 정도와 챗봇에 대한 지각된 인간다움의 매개효과 한국언론학보
2021-10 Virtual reality advertising with brand experiences: The effects of media devices, virtual representation of the self, and self-presence INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING
2021-08 Use of offensive language in human-artificial intelligence chatbot interaction: The effects of ethical ideology, social competence, and perceived humanlikeness COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
2021-03 지역기반 온라인 육아 커뮤니티 이용이 커뮤니티에서의 공동체의식과 만족도에 미치는 영향: 사회자본과 정서적 특성의 상호작용 효과 사이버커뮤니케이션학보
2020-12 모바일 기부 애플리케이션의 메시지 유형과 기부 방식이 모바일 기부의도에 미치는 영향 한국언론학보
2020-12 Status and expertise in the structuring of reciprocal exchanges on Twitter: Replies, retweets, and mentions during National Diabetes Awareness Month INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION
2020-09 미디어 화면 크기와 관여도가 광고태도, 제품태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 현존감과 플로우의 매개효과 방송과 커뮤니케이션
2020-08 인공지능과 윤리적 이슈 언론정보연구
2019-11 위기책임성 귀인과 친사회적 행동 경향이 재해구호 성금 기부의도에 미치는 영향 한국소통학보
2019-11 모바일 인스턴트 메신저 단체대화방에서의 잠복 관찰: 카카오톡 이용자의 성격 및 심리적 특성의 영향 한국방송학보
2019-09 SNS 실시간 동영상 서비스 이용의 만족도와 지속사용의도: 개인적 특성과 사회적 현존감의 영향 사이버커뮤니케이션학보
2019-08 Private self-awareness and aggression in computer-mediated communication: Abusive user comments on online news articles INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION
2019-06 I know my professor: Teacher self-disclosure in online education and a mediating role of social presence INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION
2019-03 가상현실 관광 콘텐츠가 관광 목적지에 대한 경험가치의 지각과 방문의도에 미치는 영향: 현존감의 매개효과를 중심으로 사이버커뮤니케이션학보
2019-03 소셜시청 상황의 이용자 경험 분석: 시청 만족도와 시청 충성도의 영향 요인을 중심으로 방송과 커뮤니케이션
2019-02 Cultural differences in social comparison on Facebook BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
2018-10 Effects of 3-W Movie Screen Advertising on Viewers’ Perceived Pleasure, Arousal, and Advertisement Evaluation: The Mediating Role of Physical Presence 광고학연구
2018-08 The effects of repetitive information communication through multiple channels on prevention behavior during the 2015 MERS outbreak in South Korea JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION
2018-06 Examining intention of digital piracy: An integration of social norms and ethical ideologies Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
2018-05 모바일 시대 수용자들은 어떤 뉴스 콘텐츠를 원하는가? 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지
2018-05 Effects of mobile instant messenger use on acculturative stress among international students in South Korea COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
2018-02 외로움의 정도와 리얼 버라이어티 프로그램 시청행태: 프로그램 내 등장인물과의 의사사회적 상호작용과행복감에 미치는 영향 한국소통학보
2018-01 Network Environments and Well-Being: An Examination of Personal Network Structure, Social Capital, and Perceived Social Support HEALTH COMMUNICATION
2017-11 TV 드라마의 사회적 시청 행위가 프로그램 시청성과에 미치는 영향: 사회 정체성 이론의 적용 한국방송학보
2016-12 Idiocentrism versus allocentrism and ethical evaluations on illegal downloading intention between the United States and South Korea JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT
2016-12 SNS에서의 잠복관찰 행위와 이용 강도에 미치는 영향요인 분석: 페이스북 이용자의 성격 및 심리적 특성을 중심으로 한국언론학보
2016-05 Uses of cellphone texting: An integration of motivations, usage patterns, and psychological outcomes COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
2016-04 Social comparison on Facebook: Its antecedents and psychological outcomes COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
2016-04 뉴스 댓글에 대한 편향지각이 이슈에 대한 여론지각에 미치는 영향 한국언론학보
2016-04 Linking Cultural Capital With Subjective Well-Being and Social Support: The Role of Communication Networks SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
2016-01 OTT 서비스 이용자의 이용 동기가 이용만족과 지속사용의사에 미치는 영향 방송통신연구
2015-12 트위터에서의 적대적 지각과 메시지 신뢰도: 동성결혼 합법화 및 고소득층 증세 이슈를 중심으로 사이버커뮤니케이션학보
2015-12 Effects of trait hostility, mapping interface, and character identification on aggressive thoughts and overall game experience after playing a violent video game CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING
2015-07 Effects of ego involvement and social norms on individuals' uploading intention on Wikipedia: A comparative study between the United States and South Korea JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2014-12 College Students' Motivations for Facebook Use and Psychological Outcomes JOURNAL OF BROADCASTING & ELECTRONIC MEDIA
2014-11 모바일 메신저 이용의 스트레스 요인: 사회적 성향, 메신저의 관계적 유용성 및 중요성과의 관계 한국방송학보
2014-10 Understanding the acceptance of teleconferencing systems among employees: An extension of the technology acceptance model COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
2014-09 The Korean advertising production industry and its effects on the national economy Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research
2014-07 Social networking sites and other media use, acculturation stress, and psychological well-being among East Asian college students in the United States COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
2014-04 1962~2011년 방송된 한국 TV 드라마의 메타데이터 시계열 분석 사회과학연구
2014-02 정부구조와 규제 거버넌스, 보편적 전화 서비스의 제공-미국과 일본의 비교연구- 일본근대학연구
2013-12 개인의 문화적 성향과 사회규범이 불법 다운로드 의도에 미치는 영향 : 한국 대학생과 중국인 유학생 비교 언론과학연구
2013-11 Mobile voice communication and loneliness: Cell phone use and the social skills deficit hypothesis NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY
2013-10 Digital divide in social networking sites INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS
2013-04 Factors influencing smartphone use and dependency in South Korea Computers in Human Behavior
2013-04 Exploring the Effects of Online Word of Mouth and Expert Reviews on Theatrical Movies' Box Office Success JOURNAL OF MEDIA ECONOMICS
2012-12 Understanding Online Community Participation: A Technology Acceptance Perspective COMMUNICATION RESEARCH
2012-09 Individuals' personal network characteristics and patterns of Facebook use: A social network approach Computers in Human Behavior
2012-07 Online environmental community members' intention to participate in environmental activities: An application of the theory of planned behavior in the Chinese context Computers in Human Behavior
2012-07 Explaining the Use of Text-Based Communication Media: An Examination of Three Theories of Media Use CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING
2012-05 Factors influencing intention to upload content on Wikipedia in South Korea: The effects of social norms and individual differences Computers in Human Behavior
2011-12 Hollywood Movies and Determinants of Box Office Performance in USA 문화경제연구
2011-09 Effects of self-disclosure on relational intimacy in Facebook COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
2011-09 Intention to upload video content on the internet: The role of social norms and ego-involvement COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
2011-08 할리우드 영화 속 제품배치(PPL) 유형에 따른 한미 대학생의 인지방식 차이 비교 광고학연구
2011-01 The dimensions of cable television network personality: Implications for Media brand Management JMM International Journal on Media Management
2011-01 Effects of Interactivity in Educational Games: A Mediating Role of Social Presence on Learning Outcomes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION
2010-12 In-Person Contact Begets Calling and Texting: Interpersonal Motives for Cell Phone Use, Face-to-Face Interaction, and Loneliness CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING
2010-11 Age differences in perceptions of online community participation among non-users: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model Computers in Human Behavior
2010-11 Effects of pre-game stories on feelings of presence and evaluation of computer games International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
2010-03 Adoption and Use of Computer-Based Voice Over Internet Protocol Phone Service: Toward an Integrated Model Journal Of Communication
2010-02 Strategic misrepresentation in online dating: The effects of gender, self-monitoring, and personality traits Journal Of Social And Personal Relationships
2010-01 Wireless Cities: Local Governments' Involvement in the Shaping of Wi-Fi Networks Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
2009-12 Parasocial Interaction with My Avatar: Effects of Interdependent Self-Construal and the Mediating Role of Self-Presence in an Avatar-Based Console Game, Wii Cyberpsychology & Behavior
2009-06 User acceptance of a digital library system in developing countries: An application of the Technology Acceptance Model International Journal Of Information Management
2008-03 University Instructors Acceptance of Electronic Courseware: An Application of the Technology Acceptance Model Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication
2007-09 Effects of online news forum on corporate reputation PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW
2006-01 Municipal Wi-Fi Networks: The Goals, Practices, and Policy Implications of the U.S. Case Communications & Strategies
2005-10 Can a robot be perceived as a developing creature? Effects of a robot's long-term cognitive developments on its social presence and people's social responses toward it HUMAN COMMUNICATION RESEARCH
2004-06 컴퓨터 게임에서의 내러티브(Narrative)와 상호작용성(Interactivity) 게임산업저널 연구논문지
2004-06 An ecology of constraints on e-learning in higher education: The case of a virtual learning environment Prometheus
2004-03 The Social Shaping of a Virtual Learning Environment: The Case of a University-wide Course Management System Electronic Journal of e-Learning