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[Academics] [updated as of July 29] Course Enrollment for 2024 Fall Semester (for KSP, GS, PIC, ITFM students)
게시글 내용

[Course Listing updates on July 29th]

A. New Courses Added

1) ISC6218 History of Korean Foreign Policy & Security (Thursday 1,2,3, Visiting Prof. Baek-soon Lee (이백순))
2) ISC6219 Current History of War from World War II (Friday 7,8,9, Visiting Prof. Seung-Jong Song (송승종))

B. Professors Confirmed

1) ISC6214 Trade Law and Diplomacy (Tuesday 7,8,9, Visiting Prof. Sang-soo Yoon (윤상수))
2) ISC6217 Space Security (International Relations) (Friday 4,5,6, Visiting Prof. Daniel Pinkston (핑크스톤다니엘))
3) ISF6007 International Money and Capital Markets (Friday 4,5,6, Visiting Prof. Young-Kyeong Seo (서영경))
4) ISA6015-02 KOREAN LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION LEVEL 4 (Visiting Prof. Yoo Hyun Park (박유현))

C. Law School-Yonsei GSIS Programs Confirmed

1) YJD6815 LAW AND POLITICS IN KOREA (Tue.1/Thurs.1,2, Prof. Chaihark Hahm (함재학))
2) YJD7112 CITIZENSHIP AND MIGRATION (Mon.7,8,9, Prof. Chulwoo Lee (이철우))
3) YJD7414 COMPARATIVE CORPORATE LAW AND GOVERNANCE (Mon.8,9/Wed.9, Prof. Joon Gi Kim (김준기))

D. Other Changes: 

ISC6162 Analysis of Contemporary Issues on China course has been turned to a Team-teaching course (Prof. Dong Chan Kim (김동찬) & 4 other professors)


This notice is for KSP(Korean Studies), GS(Global Studies), PIC(International Cooperation), and ITFM (International Trade, Finance and Management) students only. The notice for Global Citizenship and Cooperation / Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development majors will be informed separately.

▩ Instruction for 2024 Fall Semester Courses

1. 2024 Fall Courses

All lectures of KSP(Korean Studies), GS(Global Studies), PIC(International Cooperation) and ITFM(International Trade, Finance and Management) will be conducted face-to-face, unless otherwise noticed. 

- If you are a current student and need a D-2 student visa, check out the link below:


2. 2024 Fall Grading Policy

Letter grade evaluation courses will be graded based on the grading norm of the professor in charge.

- All GSIS courses are strictly on 'relative grading' system (up to 60% students of the class can receive 'A'.)




Total Percentage of 'A' Grades


Includes A+, A0, A-  

Total Percentage of 'A+' Grade


Only applicable to A+

▩ Course Registration: Aug. 16 (Fri.) 10:00 - 22 (Thurs.) 17:00

▩ Tuition Payment Period for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester students: Aug. 23 (Fri.) - 29 (Thurs.) 17:00

▩ Additional Payment Period(5th~ semester students): Sept. 10 (Tues.) - 12 (Thurs.)

▩ Course Add and Drop Period: Sept. 4 (Wed.) 10:00 - 6 (Fri.) 17:00

▩ Course Withdrawal Period: Oct. 2 (Wed.) 10:00 - 4 (Fri.), 17:00

Please check the attached Course Listing file and this notice often since it will be occasionally updated. Every student must register for courses through Yonsei Portal during the designated period. When registering, Master's candidates must be attentive to their exact graduation requirements if they wish to graduate within four semesters of study (the proposed length of study at GSIS). Do not neglect registering for the appropriate core and required courses, or you may not graduate on time.

*Note: List of courses of past semesters can be found here:


【Important Notice】

1. Please note that credits earned at other graduate schools can be transferred up to a total of 15 credits and up to 6 credits per semester. Yonsei GSIS students may take courses and transfer credits from other Yonsei graduate schools, but this does not include 'special graduate schools(특수대학원)'. Credits may only be transferred from the general graduate schools(일반대학원) and professional graduate schools(전문대학원). Please note that courses taken in other institutes WILL NOT count towards your field of concentration, they will simply add up to your total number of credits.

2. If you are a student who wishes to enroll for a 5th semester and over, you are required to take at least one course.

3. Retaking a course is allowed only if a student received an "F." However, if another "F" grade is given for the same course after retaking it, the student will be removed from school register. The retaken course will be indicated with "R" and the previous "F" will be replaced by the new grade.

4. If you would like to receive credits for doing an internship, please register at the CDC office before starting the internship. Without doing so, you will not receive credits.

5. Students must satisfy all of the requirements below to be eligible to register for thesis writing this semester:

1) Students who have already submitted/will submit applications to the GSIS office no later than the deadline of Sept. 6(Fri.), 17:00.

2) Students who are expected to complete their thesis writing in the 2024 Fall semester

*Guidelines for Thesis Application and Evaluation:


*Thesis Application Form:


6. IMPORTANT: There may be courses that were listed under a certain field of concentration from a previous semester that have been changed to a different field of concentration in this semester. However, the course designated under a particular field during a particular semester is how the course will be credited for the graduation requirement. The change will not be applicable when determining a student's coursework.

7. Students should be responsible for keeping track of, and satisfying their own graduation requirements. The GSIS office can provide only academic advice, and cannot be held responsible for individual student decisions on course selections. The official school regulations and the course listings serve as the standard, and students should refer to these documents for final confirmations.

8. Please be sure to follow the policies described in the GSIS regulations and bylaws when registering for the courses.

- Link to GSIS Regulations and Bylaws: https://gsis.yonsei.ac.kr/gsis/academics/regulations.do

9. Please continue to check the course schedule for updates.

【General Information / Notice】

1. Only students who have fulfilled the core course requirements (including students who were able to waive core courses) are eligible to apply for Financial Aid or can be considered for the Dean's Scholarship.

*Korean Studies Program

a) Research Design Methods OR Statistics and Data Analysis (select ONE)

b) Introduction to International Economics OR International Relations (select ONE)

* There are additional required courses For all KSP students, mandatory to be completed before their graduation.
- Fall Semester:
1) Korean Society & Culture (ISK6007): Required for KSP students who entered GSIS BEFORE 2024 ONLY
2) Korean Culture: Contemporary Issues and Trends (ISK6020): Required for KSP students who entered GSIS in 2024~ ONLY
- Fall semester: Modern Korean History (ISK6001): Required for ALL KSP students

*Global Studies Program (PIC & ITFM)

a) Research Design Methods OR Statistics and Data Analysis (select ONE)

b) Introduction to International Economics

c) International Relations

2. Auditing Courses: Credits will not be given even if you registered the audited course. (Please do not register the course you want to audit at Yonsei Portal system. You should register at LearnUs only, if you are to audit a course with no credits.)

3. Independent Study: This is considered as a research course that students can receive credit for by working directly with a Professor. The Professor and student organizes the structure of the course together. Master's degree students can only register for the Independent Study course once while PhD students can take this course twice. To register for an Independent Study, students must do the following:

1) Receive approval from the Professor you plan to do the Independent Study with. The Professor must be a GSIS full-time faculty member.

2) Register for the Independent Study course during Course Enrollment Period.

3) Complete the application form(at the link below) and submit it to the GSIS office no later than the deadline of Sept. 6, 17:00.

Independent Study Application Form: https://gsis.yonsei.ac.kr/gsis/community/boards4_01.do?mode=view&articleNo=138152&article.offset=0&articleLimit=10&srSearchVal=indep

4. Registering for courses at other GSIS institutions: Students who wish to enroll in other GSIS schools must complete the application form and submit it to the GSIS office no later than Sept. 6, 17:00. This form must be approved and signed by the course instructor and the Program Chair of your major. You do not need to register for the course(s) online.

※ There are total of 8 GSIS schools in Seoul that we will accept credit for: Seoul National University, Korea University , Ewha Womans University, Sogang University, Hanyang University, Joong ang University, Kyung Hee University, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies. 

※ SNU has different course registration system. SNU registration guideline: https://gsis.yonsei.ac.kr/gsis/community/boards1_01.do?mode=view&articleNo=198163&article.offset=0&articleLimit=10

Credit Approval Application Form: https://gsis.yonsei.ac.kr/gsis/community/boards4_01.do?mode=view&articleNo=138161&article.offset=0&articleLimit=10&srSearchVal=registration

※GSIS Program Chairs (As of September 1, 2024)

- GS: Professor Kim, Yong-Gun (YGKIM@YONSEI.AC.KR)

- KSP : Professor Kim, Michael (MKIM@YONSEI.AC.KR)

- PIC : Professor Park, Jae-Jeok (JJPARK@YONSEI.AC.KR)

- ITFM : Professor Lee, Jeong Yeon (LEEJY@YONSEI.AC.KR)

5. Each course runs three hours per week over the semester (except the Korean language courses - these courses are 4 hours per week). Credit is based on class-hours except for the Pass(P)/Non-Pass(NP) courses (0 credit). Students can select up to 15 credits per semester, BUT, if you have received  a GPA of 4.15 or higher from the previous semester, you can select up to 18 credits. Note that you will automatically receive a 'F' if you miss more than 1/3 of the class hours of a course.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding course registration, please contact gsisoffice@yonsei.ac.kr

Thank you.

2024-2 Course Listing (as of July 29).pdf