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[Newsletter] Unlocking Opportunities: Insights from the CDC Internship Panel
게시글 내용

By: Zhang Yilong

Junior Editor, GSIS Newsletter

The Career Development Centre (CDC) at the Yonsei Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) organized Internship Panel Discussions at the New Millennium Hall. 

The panel discussions aimed to inform GSIS students about the work culture in various industries and guide them through the application processes for internships at such places. Thus, this time, 14 GSIS students were invited to share their experiences and tips about different internships.

The discussions provided deep insights for students looking for internships in the future. The panelists discussed the application process for their respective internships and the specific requirements for interns in different industries, such as language standards or specific technical skills. 

After each panelist shared their internship experience, there was a Q&A session.

During the session, panelists shared more views and their former job or interview experience with the audience. Due to the diversity of their previous studies, the speakers provided many valuable suggestions to the audience. 

If you are a student at Yonsei GSIS and interested in the events hosted by the CDC, you may keep an eye on its website: https://gsis1.yonsei.ac.kr/cdc/. The Center also advertises its events in the group chats on Kakao. Moreover, if you are interested in one-on-one consultation, the Centre also welcomes requests for appointments with Professor Namuh Rhee at CDC, for which you may simply drop an email at career@yonsei.ac.kr.