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[Newsletter] Meet Lee Sae-Rom, the newest member of the Yonsei GSIS Office!
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By Chiara Mazidi

Junior Editor, Yonsei GSIS Newsletter

Meet Lee Sae-Rom, the newest member at the Yonsei GSIS Office and the one you will meet first when entering the office. She ensures the daily work runs smoothly and helps students visiting the office. Sae-Rom has experience working in journalism and has traveled extensively.


In this interview, Sae-Rom offers an interesting insight into her daily work at the office and her future goals.

-Can you tell us more about your role in the office and what a typical day in your job looks like?

-“Do you really like cleaning?”

-“Mr. President, I am not just cleaning. I am helping to send human beings to the Moon.”

-This is a story about a conversation between President Lyndon B. Johnson and a janitor happily mopping the floor during his first visit to NASA. Borrowing from this story, I’d like to say, "I am also working to smooth the path for Korea to advance globally at the GSIS Office.” 

I work diligently and joyfully behind the scenes to make sure GSIS shines, and I find this work incredibly valuable.

I’m usually the first to arrive at around 8:30 AM. I tidy up the office, deliver mail, and sometimes prepare for meetings. Most importantly, my job is to welcome and help anyone who visits the office warmly. When you open the door to Room 510, you'll see me greeting you with the brightest smile. I consider myself the office’s mascot and always strive to leave a good impression.

-What do you enjoy most about your role at the Yonsei GSIS Office?

-As you know, I take great pride and joy in working with Dean Lee Jung-hoon, one of Korea's top experts in International Studies, as well as with our excellent staff.

My favorite part of the day starts around 11:00 a.m. Around this time, I walk around the central campus for mail pick-up and stationery shopping. I am happiest walking while listening to my favorite music on my AirPods. Our campus scenery is stunning. I especially love seeing children in the park. I miss my beloved cat, Rangi (@daily_yonsei_rang), who passed away. Rangi was a stray cat that usually appeared on Baekyang Road. I loved playing with Rangi.

-Could you share some of the more challenging aspects of your work and how you navigate through them?

-Sometimes, I don't know the answers to the various questions, but I'm glad that my supervisor, Senior Manager Dongwook Ahn, is always there to help me. Also, when it comes to moving heavy items, which is hard to do alone, I am always grateful for our wonderful teaching assistants who work in our office, Ismayilov Ulugbek and Huyen, who never hesitate to give a helping hand.

-We have learned that you have previous work experience at JTBC and would like to become a journalist. Can you tell us more about your goals and experience?

-Yes, actually, I am excited to be on the receiving end of questions this time. I have always been the one asking questions as a student/intern journalist, and I am now preparing to become a full-time journalist. It’s not an easy journey. During my college years, I was deeply interested in American politics and journalism, which took me to places like Apple in Silicon Valley, the California State Capitol in Sacramento, and Bloomberg’s headquarters in New York for coverage. My dream is to become a TV news anchor. I want to create a warmer (지구 온난화 느낌 좀 나네요 ㅎㅎ) more beautiful world by sharing the stories of ordinary people. If I were to star in a show one day, would you be my audience?

-Most definitely! We will be rooting for you. Now, to answer the last question, you must meet many students at work. Do you have any advice for the GSIS students and their master's program at Yonsei?

-First, I hope you take pride in studying at one of Korea’s top university. Also, I encourage you to learn a lot about Korean culture. Seeing everyone lining up to buy iced Americano in the morning is fascinating, just like real Koreans. I also studied abroad in the U.S. but regretted not having many opportunities to make friends! If you want to learn about Korean culture or make Korean friends, feel free to reach out to me. I can help with recommendations for trendy salons, clothes, cosmetics, and cafes. My Instagram ID is [@sae.rooom.if].

Excellent! Thank you so much for your time Sae-Rom! It was very insightful.