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[Newsletter] Club Fair, Speed Friend Making and 2024 Fall Career Talk
게시글 내용

By Zhang Yilong

Editor, GSIS Newsletter

The GSIS Student Association (GSA) at Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) organized Club Fair in the New Millenium Hall 4F GSA Lounge, on September 4th, 2024, from 12:00 to 15:00. 7 different clubs and student organizations were present to introduce themselves to students and welcome new members. Including Global Business Hub (GBH), NOVAsia, Yonsei Journal of International Studies, Korean Students Council, Iyagi Hour, Human Right Club and Yonsei International Volleyball. And for this time, club Yonsei International Volleyball was making its public debut. All clubs and organizations treated visitors with professionalism and patience, and the visitors responded enthusiastically.

The GSA at GSIS organized Speed Friend Making in the New Millenium Hall 4F GSA Lounge, September 6th, 2024, from 18:00 to 20:00. The event opened only for the 1st semester new students, aimed to help them get to know more people and make friends. The event was packed with laughter as everyone mixed and mingled while playing a bunch of games like Bunny Bunny, Two Truths and Charades.  It followed earlier activities like the campus tour and club fair, through all these events which were mainly for postgraduate freshmen, new students can quickly adapt to the new surroundings and know more people as they begin their studies. 

The Career Development Centre (CDC) at GSIS organized the 2024 Fall Career Talk in the New Millenium Hall, Room 703, on September 11st, 2024, from 12:00 to 13:00. Prof. Namuh Rhee led the session. This lecture aimed to inform GSIS students about the work culture, internship, resume, formal job and guiding them through the application processes for internship or job. This lecture includes 4 parts: career planning, resume writing, power of LinkedIn and interview skills. And simple food, snacks and refreshments were provided for attendees during the event.