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[Newsletter] Freshman Perspectives
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Valerie is from Germany and is interested in the interconnection of culture, trade and economy.

By: Chiara Mazidi
Editor, Yonsei GSIS Newsletter 

On March 1st, the new spring semester officially started at Yonsei University! With that, many new students arrived from all over the world to attend the Graduate School of International Studies. 

Due to the many new faces at GSIS, it is interesting to dive deeper and get to know two new students, their reasons for joining Yonsei, interests, and goals. 

Valerie, Germany, Global Studies, First Semester ITFM

-Why Yonsei?
-My fascination for the economic growth of East Asia in relation to cultural influences grew, especially during my undergraduate studies, when I found and understood connections between cultural relations and textile trade. In my opinion, this connection is a never-ending field of development and improvement. Yonsei University is the best place for me to gain an understanding of Korean culture and live fully in the vibrant K-culture scene while learning meaningful connections between culture and future economic development, especially in the areas of trade, strategy, and international relations. In the future, I would like to proactively drive a cultural, strategic textile trade by forming, expanding, and strengthening cultural relationships.

-What are your hobbies and interests?
-I enjoy writing and photography, trying to put my thoughts into words and capture other people's emotions in photographs. You can also find me at the gym, on the running track, or reading every day. Sewing and fashion fascinate me a lot, and I could talk about them for hours.

Franchesca, U.S., First Semester, Korean Studies

-Why Yonsei?
-I have always wanted to go to Korea and live here for a longer time. I'm a 교포 (meaning Koreans who live abroad, for example, a second-generation Korean-American) and never had the opportunity to fully immerse myself In Korean culture while in the States. I figured graduate school would be a great place to learn more about Korean culture and society and meet new people to gain new perspectives on life. The goal is to one day write a book reflecting on immigrant life, specifically Korean-American life, with themes more prevalent in Korean literature and, hopefully, the Korean language itself. 

-What are your hobbies and interests?-

-I love to read and write. I tend to lean toward creative nonfiction, poetry, and contemporary fiction. But I also love Seventeen, webtoons/manhwas, video games, and good-quality coffee or tea (which is to say I have a caffeine problem).